Rentalsmotor scrapers


23 Cubic Yd
- Comparable Models -

The following models are similar to the model you'll be renting from Newman Tractor and are popular among the industry.

CAT 621G
CAT 621G
- Description -

Looking for a motor scraper with a 23 cubic yard bowl for rent near you? Newman Tractor's wheel tractor scraper rentals are available nationwide! When your molehills become mountains, our scraper rentals are the perfect machine for all of your earth moving needs. With fast delivery and a superior service team, our front end loader rentals are sure to provide the earth-moving power you need to get the job done.

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Why Newman Tractor?

Newman Tractor has over 40 years of experience

Leading experience in the construction equipment rental industry and extends nationwide. We offer flexible rental periods for jobs billed weekly, monthly, and yearly.

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Contact Us

Still need help finding the right equipment for your job?

We have rental experts standing by to assist. Conact us using the form blow or call us at [@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "phoneNumber", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop.